Tuesday 10 December 2013

probably the last entry of the term.

I feel adequate to write another entry for this blog. It has been a very influential term for me. I've learnt a lot of things this semester: from coding images to discovering how computers actually work. The knowledge that I gained through this class is extremely useful. Taking csc104 was no doubt a good choice.

While I am here review the materials that were covered earlier in the year, there are couple suggestions i'd like to point out in order to make the class better. I am not fond of late evening classes. Being a commuter, traveling back home at 9pm at night is painful. Students tends to get distracted really easily towards the end of the day as well. So if the lecture time can be moved earlier during the day, more students will enjoy this class. Second thing I'd like to point out is that the tutorials should be more interactive. Instead of watching videos, TA should take initiative to teach the material. With all these being said, CSC104 is still a really good elective. If I get the chance in the future, I definitely take more of Dr Heap's classes.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Numero Quatre

The marks are up today, and it is within my expectation. I am not very confident about the final exam in term of short answer questions, since i didn't do so well on the previous midterms in that category. 

This time we are discussing the copy-right related topics. Being a regular torrent enthusiastic, I feel like these penalties are unjustified. In my opinion, information including files and documents on the internet should be publicly share. There should be no penalty involved unless the information is used for commercial use. Teenagers like us downloading is pretty common, and with an increasing price on software, the demand for pirating is skyrocketing. The availability of pirating information is also becoming more and more easily accessible.  

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Entry Trois

Entry Trois

The test that we had last week was pretty easy for me. The first two questions was a little tricky, especially the second question asking to compare time-sharing computers in 1960 to today's networks. I am really familiar with the program related questions. However I  think I did some calculation mistakes on one of the binary questions. Apparently 12+10 was 32. Silly me. Another thought on the cheat-sheet that we spent about a hour copying: Useless. I think it is a great way for students to study the information before the test, but with the time allowed, there is hardly any chance to use it.

I foundd it really distracting last week with a couple students talking really loudly next to me. I tried to move but i didnt want to disturb the lecture.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Entry Numero Deux

The knowledge that we learnt this week was really interesting. The recursion  image that we created using Dr Racket was fascinating. Similarity, the sneeze project that we worked on was also fascinating  It combines the knowledge we just learnt concerning colour related statements and conditional statements together to make an animation which shows the rate of infection among an population. I find the material on operating systems a little confusing. 

Thursday 24 October 2013

Entry numero une

Since this is the first entry of the year, I think its only appropriate to start with a little introduction. 

Dear you-who-is-reading this:
My name is Jonathan, people mostly call me Jon. I am in second year at UofT, studying Actuarial Science and Statistics. My favourite colour ir purple and I love long walks down the beach....

My past 3 months in CSC104 has been fantastic. After attending the first lecture(when we made peanut butter sandwiches), I have been pretty confident about my choice of picking this course. Professor Heap is a tremendous instructor. He is slow and detail-oriented, but hes presentations are not boring at all. 

This week, i was able to learn about the functioning of hard-drives and how it effects a processing system as a memory storage. It is amazing how it stores information through the interaction of those pinheads with the discs. It resembles the function of a vinyl player. These pinheads will go out of alignment sometimes in the future. I  suspect that what happened to my PC hard drive.I am pretty confident about the material covered this week. The quiz was pretty simple. However, I should review the material last week on binary numbers. I don't think i can wrap my head around that smoothly yet.